Becoming the Self-Sensory Human and Accept your Full Potential



Be you and walk the path of your destiny – a deeply transformative workshop to unfold the true potential of your being. 

A new time is dawning upon us. The energies of the Age of Aquarius are increasing and bringing inevitable changes with them. Dynamics and attitudes of the past will not work anymore and bring suffering and frustration if we try to sustain them with force. 

It leaves us with two choices: either we start to thrive by flowing with the Universe and rise into the full potential of our human existence, or we try to maintain our current state, which will continue to block the changes which occur around and within us. 

The moment we begin to listen to our soul's inner voice and walk our paths, miracles and healing happen, prosperity enters our lives and we start to thrive. 

In this workshop, we put ourselves into a conscious process of releasing the blocks of our subconscious mind-field, aligning our mind with meditation and mantra. This allows us to open ourselves for the space of meditative communication in our soul. In this state of continuous listening, we are able to apply our intuition: the ability to know what can be known and feel what can be felt. This is the state of a self-sensory human being and the state of the Human of the Aquarian Age. 

With the technology of Kundalini Yoga, taught by Yogi Bhajan, we gently go through the process, releasing and integrating the experiences. We will go into physical Kriya, Meditation, Pranayama, and tune into the space of deep healing. We will use the sacred technology of Mantra to unfold our true potential in these blessed and transformative times. 

May we walk with compassion in our hearts to elevate each other.

May we have the courage to face our blocks and allow to let them leave our lives.

May we be humble and stay connected to the Divine Love that binds our very existence in the sweet vibration of the Holy Song.

Sat Naam 

Hansu Jot

Letting Go of Trauma and Old Habits

“It is not the circumstances that define us, but the way we respond to them.” 

We are always given the choice to face a challenge with fear or with love. The latter allows us to move on unharmed and thrive in any situation, while the former leaves us scarred and traumatised. This trauma endures until we thoroughly process the energies which cause the experience of ongoing anxiety and fear that we hold in our system. 

In Kundalini Yoga and through meditative practises, we intentionally allow the frequency of our brain to change so that we may enter a meditative state. This allows our subconscious mind to release old energies which are holding us back from living our lives to their fullest potential. 

To be joyful, happy and successful is our birthright as human beings. Claim it. 

Infinite Blessings 

Hansu Jot

Authentic Communication

Everything in the universe is made of sound: waves of creation which manifest themselves as matter as they pass through the “gate of consciousness”,  under the “eye of the observer”. 

What does this mean? It means that nothing exists unless it is witnessed or observed. It means that we, as self-conscious beings, literally create our own reality. 

We are not victims of circumstance, as we often tend to believe. We are not bound by fate or meant to live as leaves scattered in the wind. No, we are the creators of our lived reality and have the potential to be the masters of our lives. We are destined to walk in the glory of our consciousness and live our lives according to our highest potential as human beings. 

The way we express ourselves reflects our consciousness and determines how we create our reality. By becoming aware of and sensitive to the way we speak and communicate with our environments, we gain awareness and sensitivity of life itself, in all its facets, thus cultivating the habit of mastering in our own lives. 

Coming from a space of deep listening, we begin to vibrate. We use channels of expression and refine our skills of communication, intuitively finding the correct frequencies and applying the expression of sound accordingly. During this process, we release old traumas, heal our relationships and align our energies in order for success, prosperity and happiness to enter our lives. We achieve all of this by developing a conscious relationship to the universal sound. 

Let us come together, listening to the voice within: the voice of Soul and the voice of the Universe which is constantly communicating with us. We just have to give it space to be heard. 

Infinite Blessings 

Hansu Jot 

What we’ll practise in this workshop: 

  • Kundalini Yoga Kriya to open up the space of listening and to move the energies 
  • Deep meditation to receive the wisdom of the Universe and balance our tendencies 
  • Naad Yoga (the yoga of sound) to synchronize our way of expression with the sound of life 
  • Practical techniques to refine our communication and be set for success 
  • Finding our authentic voice 
  • Pranayam to experience the force of life 
  • Sharing circles to integrate the experiences 
  • Deep relaxation to integrate and to heal on a deep, cellular level

Cosmic Love - An Intimate Experience of Yourself

Cosmic Love - An Intimate Experience of Yourself with Hansu Jot 

We vibrate the cosmos. In fact, there is nothing on the surface which we don't find vibrating within. Our fields of consciousness are extensions of the universal mind-field and, thus, always connected. However, the accumulated energies of the subconscious mind induce an illusionary experience of duality, disconnection and separation from the cosmos. An unshakable feeling of pointlessness and absurdity is the consequence: a common experience for many of us in these times of transformation in the Aquarian Age. 

Once we move through these energetic blocks, which have often manifested on a physical level, we will start to experience greater clarity, space within, lightness and, ultimately, a sensation of connection and intimacy that seems beyond this world. We have entered the space of Cosmic Love, a Love that is infinite and boundless. 

We all come from the Divine and will ultimately merge back with the Divine. Between these phases, we experience the flow of life. Love is the ultimate force that binds it all together. 

Our only job is to move with this flow and participate in the eternal dance of existence and stillness.

May we remember that we are vessels of light. 

May we accept our destiny to express the sacred sound current of existence.

May we allow ourselves to be authentic and true to our soul's story.

May we elevate each other as our paths cross on this wondrous and miraculous journey of life. 

Infinite Blessings 

Sat Naam 

Hansu Jot

Crystallise the Self and Radiate the Light

Crystallise the Self and Radiate the Light 

From stillness, the universe is born. The sound of creation is vibrating and worlds upon worlds and all life are crystallising into existence.

We, as human beings, have the potential to walk upon earth consciously. We can connect to a deep knowledge: that we are made of that divine sound and ,thus, made to synchronise with creation itself.

The barrier to an enlightened way of living, the threshold to transcend our limitations and the final frontier on our path of fulfilment and liberation cannot be found out there in the cosmos, but in our own mind.

As we process our subconscious blocks, work through our unfinished stories and release karmic patterns to let go of the traumas of the past, we discover that our mind connects our individual experiences with the vast wisdom of the universal mind-field. 

The Kundalini energy, which is required in order to work through these blocks on a physical, dimensional level, lies dormant within all of us. It must be awakened in a systematic way so we can grow into the tangible human experience of a crystallised consciousness with a strengthened nervous system and a clarity of mind that is aligned towards the fulfilment of its Soul's purpose. 

We, as we witness the vibration of life through our consciousness, are literally creating the manifestation of it. We are born with the divine right to be happy, successful and prosperous. 

And all we have to do is to clear our field of the noise that is distracting us from fulfilling the story of our life. It is as simple as nothing is easy. 

May we have the heart to keep walking on the path of our Soul, so we may fulfil our destiny. 

Our life's purpose is to give, so let us give ourselves. 

Sat Naam 

“Kundalini Yoga taught by Yoga Bhajan offers an effective way to connect again to the self, to our true vibration of 'Sat Naam'.  

Through the practise of yogic asanas, kriyas, breathing exercises, mantra and Naad Yoga (the yoga of sound), we prepare our bodies and minds for an experience of deep relaxation and meditation. We align our thoughts to the Universal truth within and reconnect our individual self with the One in Everyone.  

And, as we experience our true selves, we regain the ability to authentically express our soul and to live a conscious, happy and wholesome life full of everyday miracles, love and abundance so that sharing becomes, once again, a natural way of living.”