Healing Sound

Healing Sound and Naad Yoga Course 

The whole world is made of sound. The vibrations which we send out are the expressions of ourselves. This makes us the co-creators of our inner and outer reality.  

The way we express ourselves reflects our consciousness and determines how we create our reality. By becoming aware of and sensitive to the way we speak and communicate with our environments, we gain awareness and sensitivity of life itself, in all its facets, thus cultivating the habit of mastering our own lives. 

Coming from a space of deep listening, we begin to vibrate. We use channels of expression and refine our skills of communication, intuitively finding the correct frequencies and applying the expression of sound accordingly. During this process, we release old traumas, heal our relationships and align our energies in order for success, prosperity and happiness to enter our lives. We achieve all of this by developing a conscious relationship to the universal sound. 

No external sound is more touching to us than the sound of our own voice. It reflects our inner feelings in all of their colours and emotions. These feelings are then expressed within our world, allowing us to communicate with our environments.  

Together, we will go on a journey into our voice and into the inherent sound current called “Naad”. We will explore the fundamental emotions which are present in our everyday lives, consciously or unconsciously.  

Through different exercises and meditations, we will balance our chakras. Through the sound of our voice, we can open up a channel to our emotions, feelings and a whole world of colours which are waiting to be lived and expressed in a conscious and divine way. 

Let us come together, listening to the voice within, the voice of Soul and the voice of the Universe which is constantly communicating with us. We just have to give it space to be heard. 

Infinite Blessings 

Hansu Jot 

What we'll practise in this course: 

  • Connecting into the Silent Shunia space 
  • Awakening the power of the navel 
  • Transforming the energies into the heart center 
  • Exercises to reconnect to our true voice 
  • Emotional balance through the science of Naad Yoga 
  • Authentic expression from Soul